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  1. batkidiii

    WTB 2012 Bowman BB "Help with my Set building!"

    I need help completing my 2012 Bowman Set. Any help would be appreciated. Here is what I need the following cards…. 1,104,123 BP38, BP40,BP41,BP53,BP82,BP83,BP90,BP95 BCP15,BCP21,BCP26,BCP30,BCP57,BCP74,BCP84,BCP89,BCP92,BCP94, BCP99,BCP101,BCP102,BCP104,BCP108 Bowman Best-BB7 Bowman Best...
  2. batkidiii

    2012 Bowman parallels to Trade

    I have the following 2012 Bowman for trade. I am looking for anything Rod Carew, or if not make me an offer. Devon Ethier BP35-ICE GONE Michael Brady BP36-ICE Matt Purke BCP80-Purple 140/199 Jonathan Galvez BCP69-Blue 147/250 Mariano Rivera 66-Lt Blue 473/500 Vance Worley 105-Lt Blue...
  3. batkidiii

    Working on 2012 Bowman

    I am working on the 2012 Bowman set and need help finishing it. I need the following cards. I have a lot of doubles of this set if you want to trade. I need these 2012 Bowman cards: 1,12,26,51,52,70,84,93,104,114,123,131,154...
  4. batkidiii

    New member

    Hello, I just joined this site. I collect baseball cards from any year, but I mainly collect pre-1980. Currently I am working on the 1972, 1968 Topps baseball sets. I am also trying to finish up the 2012 Bowman. I look forward to trading with everyone and trying to make some new friends in the...