Search results

  1. BenG76

    WTB/WTTF Fred McGriff cards Will Trade in your Favor

    I have that one. Thanks for checking with me
  2. BenG76

    WTB/WTTF Fred McGriff cards Will Trade in your Favor

    Bump Looking for McGriff cards
  3. BenG76

    WTB/WTTF Fred McGriff cards Will Trade in your Favor

    Bump. Still looking for these.
  4. BenG76

    2008 UD Yankee Stadium Legacy cards for trade

    Traded some. List updated.
  5. BenG76

    2008 UD Yankee Stadium Legacy cards for trade

    I can use the extras except the Heritage Banks card.
  6. BenG76

    2008 UD Yankee Stadium Legacy cards for trade

    Not really working on those sets at the moment. Do you have any other Cubs cards or some of my other wants? Thanks
  7. BenG76

    2012 Heritage Chrome set Break for trade

    Traded some. List updated.
  8. BenG76

    WTB/WTTF Fred McGriff cards Will Trade in your Favor

    Bump still looking.
  9. BenG76

    2008 UD Yankee Stadium Legacy cards for trade

    Bump. Updated list.
  10. BenG76

    2012 Heritage Chrome set Break for trade

    Here is the full checklist with the ones I have so you guys can see what players were in the set. HP2 Ryan Braun HP7 Curtis Granderson HP11 Michael Young HP12 Alex Gordon HP14 Paul Konerko HP15 Ian Kinsler HP16 Aramis Ramirez HP17 Hunter Pence HP18 Jose Reyes HP19 Hanley Ramirez HP20 Victor...
  11. BenG76

    2008 UD Yankee Stadium Legacy cards for trade

    Updated my list. LMK if there is any interest.
  12. BenG76

    2012 Heritage Chrome set Break for trade

    Bump still have these available.
  13. BenG76

    WTTF/WTB 98 99 2000 TEK Cubs and 2014 High Tek McGriff Will Trade in your favor

    Need these Cubs TEK cards. I will pay Beckett BV for any 98, 99 and 2000 Tek base cards on my list. 1998 Tek- Card #2 Kerry Wood. Need Patterns- 2, 3, 4, 9, 19, 20, 24, 25, 30, 31, 40, 46, 50, 51, 56, 63, 64, 67, 71, 72, 75, 81, 82, 86, 87, 90 Need all Diffractors except- 46 Card #28...