Search results

  1. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    You may have noticed, we added Denny McLain and Frank White in the past couple of weeks. In another note, you guys will love this response I got from a former Phillies pitcher - very nice: Thanks for the interest and for developing this site. It looks good. I appreciate you asking me to be a...
  2. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    I was thinking that too. I know Ellis V's signature has changed several times over the past 30 years. I've showed him a couple on eBay and he claims they are not his - but 30 years is a long time! I am also reminded of the time I got Felix Jose's autograph years ago... My friend asked him for...
  3. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Ah yes... Jerry Morales. We added Wes Chamberlain and Jim Wolhford yesterday. The growth is limited by really a couple things: 1) Time - it's just me working on this site and I had to rebuild the whole thing from scratch last week. 2) Some guys aren't as responsive as others. They may say...
  4. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Thanks for the heads up. It's not so much we don't want to publicize it... I guess I would rather people not know who ISN'T doing it for charity. Know what I mean?
  5. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    I have re-jigged things so all the players are on one site (a lot more manageable for me, with the added bonus of being able to buy from several guys in one transaction). I also added 3 new guys: Brian Tollberg, Bill Sampen and Jose Morales and I should have at least 2 more by next week...
  6. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Hi, we are re-jigging things a bit so it's easier and cheaper to maintain. I should have it all done by the weekend. Sorry for the downtime! The changes will also let us bring guys in at a faster rate (There's a bit of a backlog). If you are waiting on an order, let me know at [email protected].
  7. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Thanks again guys for the valuable input. All of the guys set their own prices, and it's not something I will debate with them too much. I have advised but ultimately, it's their decision. None of these guys are millionaires, nor will they ever will be so I don't think any of them are being...
  8. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Dick Allen is now offering personalized, signed baseballs... Baby steps :)
  9. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    From what I can tell, it's only JR Richard and Tommy Davis that played for Houston (out of current lot). JR is hard to pin down but I'm sure Tommy would make time for you. Email me at [email protected] and we can set it up.
  10. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    We launched Larry Parrish today: Would love to have Dick Allen accepting items too but it's just not possible at this time. Have made note of Knoblauch and Castino!
  11. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Ha ha... I actually just figured out how I can do it with current system. Adding the option now.
  12. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Yes, I really wanted to do that but I am constrained by the e-commerce plugin we are using. We have a new site in the works though. I will be able to offer the option when that is operational. I've put a disclaimer - we'll see how it goes.
  13. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Thanks to feedback from you guys, we are attempting to improve our offerings a bit: 1) Some of the players have agreed to drop their price. 2) For Autograph Submissions, you can send now a SASE in lieu of paying the additional postage fee So, for example, to submit an autograph to Jerry White...
  14. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    aspoe093 - that will be coming soon. We wanted to iron out the kinks with cards/photos first. If you are willing to wait, we'll probably start accepting submissions for balls and equipment in the very near future (the cards/photos have been pretty smooth). There's no extra charge for...
  15. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Sure mort, Ill do my best. If you're on Facebook, that's probably the best place to follow as Ellis often posts on there too: We are aiming to release at least 1 new site per week (it's just me making them, and it's more of a hobby than a business at this point!) The...
  16. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Thanks for the context TideFanDan. I will advise our guys accordingly. If anyone else has a list of players they are need, feel free to post them here. We'll try to track some of them down for you.
  17. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Thanks for the feedback mrmopar! I will definitely talk to the guys about pricing because I think you're right. Not all agree though - I can simply advise. In the long run, however, if someone is priced too high, they will realize it by the low sales. When I collected I always went after the...
  18. T <--- Former MLB player site founded by Ellis Valentine

    Hi all, my name is Colin, I started this PastPros thing with Ellis Valentine. We've just started and are still figuring things out. If you guys have any suggestions to how we can improve our offering, we're all ears. Also, if there are any really tough-to-get autographers you are looking for...