Your Favorite "In-Action" Card of all time - Pics are a must!!

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1956 has always been a favorite of mine. The combo of the portrait with an action shot is a classic design. It didn't hurt that I was able to buy a few handfuls of these as a young kid for a few bucks each, which really helped to get me into the old stuff. Still like the 56 Robinson as perhaps my favorite card of all time.

Looks like that is Johnny Podres watching Robinson slide into home, based on the uniform number. This might even me him stealing home!

Some late 70's action shots. Not that much action, but like them because of the Astros rainbow unis and the Pirates pill-box hat. Yeah, I know both uniforms are considered to be among the worst ever but I like them.

Looks like that is Johnny Podres watching Robinson slide into home, based on the uniform number. This might even me him stealing home!

He' got to be stealing home in that pose. There's no other explanation for standing that close to the action with a bat (he'd be running the bases otherwise!).
Thought it might be fun to do a little digging, and try to find the game that the 56 Robinson shot was taken, and I did.
Robinson had one SB of home in 1955, it was August 29 against the St. Louis Cardinals.
Looks like it was part of a triple steal off of pitcher Paul LaPalme and catcher Bill Sarni

DODGERS 6TH: Reese flied out to center; Snider tripled;
Campanella was walked intentionally; Furillo singled to center
[Snider scored, Campanella to third]; On a bunt Robinson reached
on a fielder's choice [Campanella out at home (first to
catcher), Furillo to second]; Robinson was picked off first but
was safe on an error by Sarni [Furillo to third, Robinson to
second]; Hodges walked; Amoros walked [Furillo scored, Robinson
to third, Hodges to second]; LAPALME REPLACED POHOLSKY
(PITCHING); Robinson stole home and Hodges stole third and
Amoros stole second
[Hodges out at home (catcher to shortstop to
catcher)]; 3 R, 2 H, 1 E, 1 LOB. Cardinals 1, Dodgers 5.

Indeed it was Johnny Podres at the dish at the time.
Nice work Ed!

Since you are a M's guy too, you may appreciate another early M's action shot. The M's didn't get enough action love in the first 5 yhears or so, so seeing them is fun, especially an obscure M's.

Nice action shot from 1973 that leaves you with many questions. Is it necessary to have the ball in the glove when tagging or trying to tag someone out? Was the runner sliding or did he just lose his balance and is falling backwards? Is Celerino Sanchez the runner and is this one on the 18 runs he scored in 1972?

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I know its not vintage, but I love it because I don't recall ever seeing cards before where you can clearly see fans. How awesome would it be to be inadvertently immortalized on a baseball card!!!


This one did it for me. As an 8 year, this was in my first pack. The pose and the name got me hooked.

Have to agree with the Munson in action shot for baseball. For football I like the 1972 in-action shot of Terry Bradshaw. Wish I knew how to show it, but it is really cool.

it's pretty easy Gary. You just need a host for the photo. i went to google images and dragged one to my desk top. then I upload it to photo bucket. once you have the image selected, there are options for pasting the photo on the right side of the screen, labeled image Links. i use the one called "IMG code", although others may work too. You cut/past that link to the reply and image appears! You just need to sign up for a photo hosting site to do it and they are free.

So who's card is it anyway? We see Nolan Ryan makes a cameo on the Harrelson card, with Harrelson making the tag. I would assume that is Agee sliding into the bag on his card. i bet that is the same game!